Mental Health
Mental Health - relates to cognitive, behavioral and emotional well-being
Mental Health is more than not having mental disorders or disabilities; it is ensuring that one's mind is well and happy. Mental health can change and be improved; some disorders can be overcome and reduced to where the disorder does not significantly impact the person.
Everyone has some risk of developing a mental illness, regardless of history, social status, race, culture, or age, but often it is social/financial circumstances, biological factors, and lifestyle that all shape a person’s mental health. Some causes of mental illness include inherited traits, exposure to alcohol/drugs in the womb, and brain chemistry. In addition, there are several specific factors that increase the odds of developing a mental illness such as stress, divorce, loved one's death, traumatic experiences (ex. shooting or sexual assault) and ongoing chronic medical conditions (ex. cancer or diabetes). Teens are often the most affected age group for mental health disorders or illness due to frequent stress about grades, future, and social status. 1/5 American teens suffer from at least one mental illness; some of the most common include depression and anxiety disorders.
Below are all the available Mental Health Articles:

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Mental Health Impacts of Moving

Are Photo Filters Damaging to Mental Health?

Back to (In-Person) School

Social Anxiety Disorder: How It Affects Those Who Suffer From It

How Does Family Affect Your Mental Health?

Feeling Like a Fake: Imposter Syndrome

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: More than Just Nervousness

Ways to Take Care of Our Mental Health During the Summer

The Impact of Social Media on One’s Health

Your Distorted Image : Body Dysmorphic Disorder

PTSD; Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

How To Talk To Someone With Mental Health Problems

How Talking Helps

Mental Health: Increasing Influence on Teens and Methods of Overcoming

Productivity Tips for Maintaining Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Consequences of Social Media Use

Burnout and It's Effect on the Mind

The Importance of Practicing Self-Love

Adopting a Pet: Unexpected Benefits

Worth More Than This

Exercising Empathy on Social Media

Red Flags in Relationships

Fighting COVID-19 Stress

Benefits of Art On Mental Health

Social Anxiety Disorder: What is it?

Distorted Images: Body Dysmorphia

How to Rewire Your Brain to Overcome Anxiety

The Mind on Music: Neuroscience and Art

Mental Health and Winter: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Hope or Despair? Optimism and Pessimism in the Face of the Pandemic

Ups and Downs of the Holidays

Growth Mindset: The Link Between Plants and Mental Health

Mental Health: Debunking Myths and Stating Facts

Life on Pause

Self-Diagnosing: For the Better or Worse?

Nature Vs. Nurture: What Has a Bigger Effect?

Self Love is the Best Love

Mental Health of Adolescent Mothers

How Genetics Affect Our Mental Health

Marijuana: A drug with benefits (if used wisely)

Neglect on the Brain

Can’t Sleep? Here some common sleeping disorders:

Substance Abuse in Teens

A Commentary About Parental Stress

Test Taking Stress: How is it caused? How can you overcome it?

Suicide Prevention Month

Nutritional Psychiatry: You Feel Your Meals
Exercise: The impact on our mental health and cognitive function